Adolescent Care

“Your teen needs routine and preventative care against diseases, just like they did during childhood. We at Aayushi clinic make sure you get the best care for your child in the growing up years.


Breast Feeding

“Breastmilk contains nutrients your baby needs for growth and development and protects your baby against infections and diseases. Breastfeeding is free and convenient and can promote bonding between you and your baby. It’s recommended you breastfeed exclusively until your baby starts solid foods at around 6 months and keep breastfeeding until at least 12 months.


“1-in-3 children have allergies, and many parents don’t realize it.Its a nightmare for parent to see their child suffer. Any child can develop allergies, but they are more common in children from families with a history of allergies. Since it’s impossible for parents to control absolutely everything that their child is exposed to or eats, parents should instead focus on monitoring their child for symptoms. 1-in-3 children have allergies, and many parents don’t realize it.Its a nightmare for parent to see their child suffer. Any child can develop allergies, but they are more common in children from families with a history of allergies. Since it’s impossible for parents to control absolutely everything that their child is exposed to or eats, parents should instead focus on monitoring their child for symptoms.


Ear Ache

“Earache is one of the most common problems we see in children. Your child’s earache can be quite serious, especially if it isn’t recognized and treated right away. Your pediatrician is here to relieve earache pain so that young patients can enjoy being kids again.


“Vaccinations aren’t all given right after a baby is born. Each is given on a different timeline. They’re mostly spaced throughout the first 24 months of your child’s life, and many are given in several stages or doses.

“As a parent, you want to do whatever you can to protect your child and keep them safe and healthy. Vaccines are a vital way to do that. They help protect your child from a range of dangerous and preventable diseases.


Growth & Development Clinic

“An important aspect of parenting is understanding the changes your child will encounter during growth and development. As children advance through a sequence of growth stages they may face several challenges and relatively common problems.

“Children not only vary in physical appearance, they also express differences socially and mentally, as well as through personality and behavior.


“Watching your child struggle to breathe is gut wrenching for any parent. While asthma isn’t curable, it’s certainly manageable Asthma is one of most common chronic diseases of childhood with the help of the team at Pediatrics of Southwest Houston. Our dedicated team of Pediatricians are experts in diagnosing asthma in children and finding just the right treatment. Whether your child has already been diagnosed or if you suspect your child has asthma, call the office or make your first appointment online.
